Look at all the storiesFanfiction This is a collection of Fanfictions. Stories written by the fans of moi! ;) It's a small collection here, but I'm waiting for more! (doesn't this background make you sick?)
ABL2 A Great Fanfiction by Mari about herself. It also serves as a nice sequel to the movie! It introduces some new faces, like Daisy, Dusty, and more! Read it, you'll like it! Flik doll's Rating: ****
Behind the Bug A biography of my wonderful self. :) It's all about me and Atta growing up, as well as some stuff about Hopper. Author: Mari Flik doll's Rating: **
Till Death to us Part A really weird story about how I died, went to the afterlife and returned to earth again. Sent in by Daisy! Flik doll's Rating: **

Letters of the Renegade Fox The story of Reynard and his past, written as a letter to Mari!! Author: Mari Flik Doll's Rating: *** Nicely written! Somewhat long.
Lavender is Blue A story about a young girl ant who discovers a talent and helps save a friend. Author: Mari Flik Doll's rating: *** Not too long.

The One and OnlyManny's story! Wow. Ever wonder how Manny became a magician? How he met Gypsy? Then read this and find out!! Author: Christina "Ax"

Gotta story? I really like some more fanfics up here. I know you're out there! Email it to flikgirl_2000@yahoo.com I'll be super glad to put them up! don't for get to mention if ya want your story rated by the picky Flik Doll! :)