This is a collection of
Fanfictions. Stories written by the fans of moi! ;) It's a small
collection here, but I'm waiting for more! (doesn't this
background make you sick?)
ABL2 A Great Fanfiction by Mari about herself. It also
serves as a nice sequel to the movie! It introduces some new
faces, like Daisy, Dusty, and more! Read it, you'll like it! Flik
doll's Rating: ****
the Bug A biography of my wonderful
self. :) It's all about me and Atta growing up, as well as some
stuff about Hopper. Author: Mari Flik doll's Rating: **
Death to us Part A really weird story
about how I died, went to the afterlife and returned to earth
again. Sent in by Daisy! Flik doll's Rating: **
Letters of the
Renegade Fox The story of Reynard and
his past, written as a letter to Mari!! Author: Mari Flik
Doll's Rating: *** Nicely written! Somewhat long.
Lavender is Blue A story about a young girl ant who discovers a talent
and helps save a friend. Author: Mari Flik Doll's rating: ***
Not too long.
The One and OnlyManny's story! Wow. Ever wonder how Manny became a magician? How he met Gypsy? Then read this and find out!! Author: Christina "Ax"
Gotta story? I really like some more fanfics up
here. I know you're out there! Email it to
I'll be super glad to put them up! don't for get to mention if ya
want your story rated by the picky Flik Doll! :)